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Time to Transition Again

by RACHEL HENDRIKSON GOD'S GUIDANCE/DIRECTION Being a woman in ministry Connecting with nationals Culture shock Transitions
Time to Transition Again
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“But I am trusting You, O Lord, saying, ‘You are my God!’ My future is in Your hands…let Your favor shine on Your servant. In Your unfailing love, rescue me.”
Psalms 31:14, 15a, 16

I was at a Thrive retreat recently and the topic of transitions came up. If ever you feel alone or misunderstood with the transitions, moves or changes you’ve gone through, go to a Thrive Retreat! You will be surrounded with women who are no stranger to change and you will feel like you fit right in! Change and transition are a part of everyone’s life and especially global workers! This means we get lots of practice at asking for and seeing God’s guidance and direction. My first impulse is to feel stressed with upcoming change or uncertainty. Has anyone else experienced that tendency? But I try to remind myself that this can be an exciting, faith-building opportunity if I let it be! 

We can picture change like replanting a flowering plant. The movement from one container of dirt to another can upset the roots. It often takes a while for things to shift, the roots to start growing again, for the plant to be able to stand tall and strong. 

It’s normal that we would also feel like these plants when we are transplanted. Our schedule changes, we have to find our way in a different environment, new apartment, new church. We may have changes to our role and feel misunderstood at times. It’s not uncommon to struggle with identity issues in regards to our purpose and worth. You are the new person again, having to get to know everyone and mustering all the energy that it requires to let people get to know you. It takes time and loneliness is felt when you sit still long enough to recognize how you are feeling. When we get uprooted, we don’t feel so secure. 

What do we do? What have you done in the past in these shaky moments? We look to God…maybe not right away, but eventually we remember where our strength comes from. He hasn’t changed and He isn’t going to. He is our rock. 

“But I am trusting You, O Lord, saying, “You are my God!” My future is in Your hands…let Your favor shine on Your servant. In Your unfailing love, rescue me.” Psalms 31:14, 15a, 16 

If my roots are in Jesus, I will be OK. If I am in Him, close to Him, I don’t have to feel shaky. I will sometimes, but that’s when I look back up to Him. He is our firm foundation in a shaky world. Find rest in the shadow of the Almighty, He is right there with you and He is your constant companion. 

Closing Prayer
Father God, You promise to guide me along the best pathway for my life. You will advise me and watch over me (Psalms 32:8,9). Thank You that You are never going to leave me or forsake me (Hebrews 13:5). You are my God forever and ever. You will guide me beyond death (Psalms 48:14). I trust You Lord but help me to trust You more. In times of uncertainty may I reject fear and my desire to try to control and instead excitedly and expectantly look to You for direction. Thank You for being a faithful God and for walking this road with me. I love you. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Sermon: When God Is Silent by Pastor Louie Giglio This message encouraged me to look to God especially in times of transition and difficulty.
Question for Reflection

Share a situation or time that you experienced God guiding you. What have you done in the past when you went through a time of feeling uprooted?

Rachel Hendrikson
September 26, 2024

Recently I have been experiencing more spiritual warfare. I have set aside more time to pray and pray specifically over several areas. With this increased amount of time in prayer and with more dependance on prayer, I have seen God guide in some very specific ways. It’s been encouraging to see some smaller answers to prayer as I continue to seek Him for direction in several areas.