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Coaches for the Game of Life

by GAIL GOOLSBY GOD'S GUIDANCE/DIRECTION God’s guidance & direction
Coaches for the Game of Life
“If you do what the Lord wants, he will make certain each step you take is sure.”
Psalms 37:23

You have dreams. You have a big project to complete. You have a new language to learn and community relationships to develop. You have years of unsorted documents and clutter. You have moved to a new city with a new job. You have just recovered from a lengthy illness. You have a new baby or have launched your children. You have returned to your passport country after years overseas. 

The view ahead is hazy and unmotivating, like a cold, rainy day. You want to move forward, but you feel like cement blocks have replaced your shoes. You say, “If I only knew the next step, how to get started.”   

There is assistance available as you seek God’s answers…a life coach. 

Here’s how it works. You and God are the experts on your life. During scheduled face-to-face or virtual sessions, a life coach uses techniques such as active listening, open questions, encouragement, challenges to present thinking, and positive feedback. Different from counseling, coaching methods are meant to assist you in setting goals, discovering insights and taking next steps

Coaching offers important features to navigate the cloudy times of life: 

  • Accountability that fuels your commitment to keep moving forward. 

  • Celebration of small steps that lead to large accomplishments and need to be recognized along the way. 

  • Companionship for the journey, someone outside your inner circle that has an objective perspective and is committed to your success. 

The present gold standard for coaching worldwide is the International Coaching Federation (ICF). ICF requires mastery of predetermined competencies and ethical standards for credentialed coaches that protect and assist clients. When looking for a coach, be sure he/she is ICF credentialed. 

You can make your dreams come true and your projects complete. You can accomplish new goals in your career, relationships, and spiritual life. Engage a Life Coach. 

(Thrive has assembled a team of Christian coaches to come alongside your journey and help you move through unclear transitions with purpose and confidence. Global women can access limited pro bono sessions with qualified Alongside Coaches:

Closing Prayer
Father God, We need help navigating this life you have given us. Thank you for your Word, the presence and power of the Holy Spirit and those you have sent to join our journey. Give us courage to reach out for help when we can’t see the next step, when the future is hazy, and we want to follow your direction. Your love is amazing. We pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Question for Reflection

What is an area of your life that could use the assistance of a life coach to move forward?

Gail Goolsby
September 27, 2024

After 11+ years of coaching others, I still utilize the methods I have learned to accomplish important tasks and goals in my life. Whether it is a writing assignment or exercise regime or new Bible Study plan, I set small targets and join others for the accountability and encouragement to move ahead. Coaching works!