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God Leads Every Step of the Way

God Leads Every Step of the Way
“But the Lord said to me, ‘Do not say, “I am too young.” You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you. Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you and will rescue you,’ declares the Lord.”
Jeremiah 1:7-8

The idea for the novel came to me in the middle of a sermon at church. Needless to say, I didn’t hear any more of the pastor’s words as I processed my thoughts on writing an adventure story about three teens who get mysteriously swept away to ancient Israel. I had never written a novel before, and even thinking about such an undertaking was overwhelming. Was this what God really wanted? 

I couldn’t shake the conviction that the Lord was behind this crazy plan, so with trepidation, I set out on the adventure of writing a novel for middle-grade readers. Many negative thoughts bombarded me, trying to get me to stop and convince me that I was the wrong person for the task. Whenever I was about to listen to these voices and give up, God swooped in and inspired me to continue. And so, I persisted in working on the novel. 

I’m hardly the only one with misgivings about the Lord’s direction. When Jeremiah heard God’s call, he had many doubts. He thought he was too young and probably wondered what he would say. But God promised to be with him every step of the way. I’m not comparing myself to Jeremiah, but the principle is the same: when God calls us to a task, He promises to be with us and help us accomplish it. 

Little by little, the Lord led me further down the path, one step at a time. He guided me to the right books to read to help my craft and opened the doors for me to attend online courses that were instrumental in my progress. My main task was to be sure to listen to His promptings and follow them. 

It’s been five years since that fateful worship service, and my book, How to Kill a Giant, is being published by Elk Lake Publishing, Inc. I could have never foreseen the twists and turns that brought me to this point, but one thing is sure: God accomplishes what he determines to do. Our role is to stay close to Him and follow His guidance. 

Closing Prayer
Lord, I thank you so much for leading me and giving me all I need to carry out your will successfully. Please help me stay close to you, follow your direction, and convict me when I stray. Amen.
Sermon: Living by God's Guidance by Dr. Charles Stanley This practical sermon encourages us to follow God’s direction every day.
Question for Reflection

How did you react when you heard God’s call to the mission field? If you had doubts, how did you overcome them?

Carol Schlorff
September 24, 2024

My call was a process. Because my parents were global workers, I wasn’t necessarily thrilled about becoming one myself, but I knew better than to say “no” to God. But during an eight-year period—while I was at university and in the Army—the Lord changed my attitude so that I wanted to serve him full-time, and I was excited to do so. Nonetheless, I’ve had many times of doubts when I wondered if God called the right person. In my mind, I don’t fit the stereotype of a successful global worker. I’ve defeated such uncertainties by focusing on God’s call and staying close to him.