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Yoked to Purpose

by PAULA ROBERTS PURPOSE God’s guidance & direction
Yoked to Purpose
“Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”
Matthew 11:29

As I laid in bed the issues of the last months seemed to crawl in with me: my mom’s death, two moves, making a new house livable, our work with future global workers, travel to another country, hurt in our adult kids, and how to help others raise support. They all scrambled for the covers and kicked me for space. My mind and body fought back, and in the midst of the struggle the sleep I longed for jerked out of bed and stormed away. 

I remained there tired and defeated. His words came to me “Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you…” Ahhhh, I thought. I’d heard this verse for years, but recently I had heard it more often. I knew He was trying to redirect my thoughts; redirect my purpose.

I was to take His yoke upon me. Maybe all of you know this (it is an often-taught passage), but as an ox grows a yoke is often replaced to fit the animal’s growing girth. The yoke is made to the ox’s current measurements and sanded over and over to prevent areas of chafing. Could it be, I thought, that some of the challenges in my life weren’t actually from God and therefore they weren’t part of the yoke He had for me? (Worrying about my kids immediately jumped into my mind.) Or, I mused, were parts of this yoke exactly what He had orchestrated, but because I didn’t see His purpose in the situation, I bucked the very help He tried to give? (Grief entered my thoughts.)

It seemed too simple really. I was supposed to become a learner again, like my grandkids–big eyed and watching, asking and trusting. I didn’t need to prove myself or pretend I knew it all. I could relax in the yoke He’d designed and walk next to Him as He carried the load. He would show me the way to help others raise support, live with grief, pray and not worry about my kids, do another transition, etc. IF I stopped changing directions and fighting His purpose. 

My pillow felt comfy as my shoulders relaxed and my breathing steadied. I didn’t hear it happen, but sometime soon after I’d thought about His word, the sleep that had stomped out of my bed quietly tiptoed back in.

Closing Prayer
Father God, We thank you that the things you allow to happen in our lives are worked to good through your hands of grace. Even the hard things you use to show us more of Yourself, help us to look like You and grow your Kingdom. Father, please help us to take the stance of a learner and of a child. May we be open and trusting of Your ways and Your goodness. Amen.
Question for Reflection

What do you do when you sense your purposes have drifted from His?

Paula Roberts
September 02, 2024

Thinking through this verse has helped me clarify a bit more what His purposes are for me. Going through each of the things that weigh on me and asking myself if He has put this weight on me has helped me to see when I have replaced His ways for mine. Then, stepping back and accepting those things as something He’s using to teach me has helped me relax and trust His purposes more completely.