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When Location Changes, Purpose Remains

When Location Changes, Purpose Remains
“The Lord will vindicate me; your love, Lord, endures forever—do not abandon the works of your hands.”
Psalms 138:8

Psalm 138:8 “The LORD will fulfill his purpose for me; your steadfast love, O LORD, endures forever. Do not forsake the work of your hands.” 

Over the past few years, I have often been asked what I miss most about serving in our former host country. My answer usually includes purpose. While serving in Europe, I knew who I was and what I was supposed to do each day. Our ministry at an MK school left no room to doubt what every Monday through Friday would look like. Deaf ministry and writing a devotional column were other parts of His purpose for me.

As we prepared to step back across the Atlantic, His peace and clear direction walked with us through times of wondering who would take our place on the field and what our future would look like. 

While preparing for the transition, a friend and I read the book SENT by Heather and Ashley Holleman. If either of us had any remaining doubts about whether God could use us wherever he put us, the study chased them away. God reminded me that, just as He sent my husband and me out as global workers in 2001, He was sending us back to Des Moines, Iowa twenty years later. He had chosen this country, state, city, neighborhood, and home for us and infused our hearts with His gift of peace even during days that were difficult and despite occasional tears along the way. 

In our current surroundings, when I wonder what I am to do here, God whispers to my heart; “Your purpose is to shine for me right where I put you, no matter what else is happening.” 

As Elizabeth Elliot looked back on her years of serving God in Ecuador, she wrote in her journal; “I suppose the general opinion of global outreach* says that it is intended to bring people to Christ. Only God knows if anything in my global outreach* ‘career’ has ever contributed anything at all to this end. But much in that ‘career’ has brought me to Christ.” 

May we never forget that as we live out our days as global workers, a large part of God’s purpose for us is to draw us closer to Himself. 


*title changed for security purposes 

Closing Prayer
Father, I need to be reminded that wherever you put me, you have a purpose. Your divine plan is not only to use me to touch others but to work through life’s circumstances to make me more like Your Son. Amen.
Question for Reflection

Have you ever gotten so caught up in His purpose for your ministry in the lives of others that you have forgotten He also purposes to work IN you? Is global ministry drawing you closer to Jesus and making you more like Him?

Joyce Voelker
September 09, 2024

If God is not working in me He cannot work through me. Global ministry, or any kind of ministry, is only possible if I am connected to His Word and allowing His Spirit to teach and change me.