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Keys to Flourishing Overseas

by HEIDI J. SMITH FLOURISH Balancing ministry, family, & life Expectations Finding community Rest Quiet time with the Lord
Keys to Flourishing Overseas
“He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither.”
Psalms 1:3

This past summer our high school age daughters traveled overseas to serve on short term internships. Since our family had lived abroad before, my husband and I felt comfortable letting them go.  

Our older daughter worked with special needs children in the western part of Africa, while our younger daughter volunteered in the clinic in the southeastern part of Africa. Each knew a global worker serving in the area and each joined a team.  

Both learned valuable lessons and realized some helpful keys to flourishing overseas.

Realistic Expectations - Both daughters expected to jump back into ministry. But they forgot about the language barriers, upset tummies from local food, and creepy crawlies. 

Living overseas is exciting, but realistic expectations need to be set. We will not be able to “accomplish” as much and we will make mistakes. But rather than focus on our failures, we need to measure our progress and remember our purpose. Give grace. 

Healthy Community - One team jelled together nicely, while the other team irritated each other. 

As global workers, we need people on and off the field to encourage and support us.  

We may not “like” everyone on our team and friction will come, but we can strive toward the common goal with a spirit of humility and love (Eph. 4:2-3).

Restful Breaks - Serving others is rewarding and exhausting:). We need to schedule breaks so that we don’t burn out. 

Rest may mean blocking off family night one day a week, taking a quarterly retreat, or unplugging your phone for the day. We need to find what recharges us and implement it. 

Jesus Time - Life is busy and we have a tendency to charge full speed ahead in our own strength. This strategy only works for so long because eventually we will be depleted. 

We must draw our strength from the Lord through constant prayer, biblical nourishment, and mind renewal through Scripture. We can listen to praise music, Christian podcasts, or join online Bible studies (Psalm 1:3). 

Serving overseas is a wonderful opportunity. May we have realistic expectations, healthy communities, restful breaks, and Jesus time to flourish.

Closing Prayer
Dear Lord, Thank you for loving us and giving us your Son. Thank you for giving us your strength. Please help us as we live around the world to have realistic expectations and set aside our agendas for yours. Please help us to find healthy community with people local and back home. Help us to extend grace and love like you do. Please help us to schedule breaks. It sounds easy, but we think everything depends on us rather than you. Please help us to observe the Sabbaths and take breaks. Please also help us to sit at your feet and draw our strength from you. Help us to prioritize this time and take what you teach us and apply it to our lives. Please help us to flourish where you plant us. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Podcast: The Unfolding by Meredith Foster These podcasts are helpful because they are true stories of people struggling and serving God. They share their testimonies of God helping them to thrive.
Song: Thrive by Casting Crowns This song is encouraging because it talks about the tree flourishing by drawing its strength from the stream of water. The same is true for us. We need to draw our strength from the Lord.
Question for Reflection

In Psalm chapter one, the tree flourishes because it continually draws nourishment from the stream of water. May we do the same, continually drawing our strength from the Lord. What things hinder us from flourishing?

Heidi J. Smith
July 23, 2024

Not your gifting - God created each of us with unique gifts. Sometimes we aren’t flourishing because the work isn’t our gifting. We might be better suited for a different job. Just as the body has many members with one goal, people have different talents and abilities.
Lack of persistence - John Mark left Barnabas and Paul on their first mission trip. We aren’t told why he quit. But later he joined Barnabas for another trip. Sometimes we are required to leave the field and wonder if God can ever use us again. When in reality, God is opening another door or saying wait. Don’t give up but wait for his timing.
Discouragement/Isolation - Living abroad is tough. Be honest with a few people you trust and build your network of community. Prioritize accountability, FaceTime with a spiritual mentor, or join an online support group for global workers.