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Getting Back on the Balance Beam

by MANDY POST BALANCE Balancing ministry, family, & life God’s guidance & direction Trust Fear Discouragement
Getting Back on the Balance Beam
“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
Isaiah 41:10

I was a competitive gymnast in my preteen years, and my favorite apparatus was the balance beam. At 4 feet tall with a width of 4 inches, I enjoyed the challenge of mastering difficult skills on what seemed an impossible contraption. My training taught me to tighten my muscles and move my body in such a way as to balance well.

But no matter how well I trained, I would inevitably fall now and again. And as any good coach would do, mine would tell me to shake it off and hop back up on the beam. There was no time for discouragement or fear to set in, possibly creating a mental block that could prevent me from performing routines I was perfectly capable of doing.

A global worker’s life is a lot like trying to stay on the balance beam. We train to enter a new culture with sensitivity and grace yet unashamed of sharing the gospel that called us here. We trust the Lord with an open hand for our work while delicately maintaining the expectations of our supporters. We “virtually” love, care for, and give attention to family thousands of miles away while physically ministering to the people God brings to our doorsteps.  

And no matter how hard we try, we inevitably fall now and again. With our pride hurt and possibly with feelings of guilt or frustration, how do we hop back onto our balance beam in this global life? Just as I had to trust my coach’s direction, we must trust our Father’s words. 

Diving into the Scriptures, we see God’s faithfulness time and time again. It is God who causes miraculous victories, who holds us in His mighty hands, who makes a way for eternal salvation, and who loves without condition. Our kind Father places us back onto our balance beams, dissolving any discouragement and fear, reminding us that we are His workmanship created for good works He prepared for us (Ephesians 2:10). Standing firmly on the beam, we trust God as He works in us to do His will (Philippians 2:13). 

Closing Prayer
Father, thank you for being faithful to complete in us the work you have begun in us (Philippians 1:6). May we trust in You to balance the tasks You have called us to. Amen.
Video: Suni Lee scores perfect 10 on beam… Just for pure enjoyment and delight, take a few minutes to watch perfect gymnastics routines.
Song: Ephesians 2:10 – We Are His Workmanship A great way to memorize Scripture is with Seeds Family Worship.
Bible Reading Plan: The Bible Recap Dive into the Scriptures with this daily reading plan accompanied by a podcast with Tara-Leigh Cobble where each day’s reading encourages finding “God Shots” to remind us who God is.
Question for Reflection

What part of this global life are you struggling to balance right now?

Mandy Post
October 10, 2024

A few years ago, my husband and I were asked to help care for other global workers in our region. The global work God called us to 20 years ago was to establish and serve our local church. Pastoring is in our nature and gifting, and we delight in it even with its triumphs and sorrows. Pastoring our local church while also pastoring global workers in our region of the world is one of our current balance beam routines. Navigating time, energy, presence, and prayer for those in our care is a privilege and honor, and we don’t always get it right. But we praise God He continues to choose to use us despite our wobbles and falls.