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Forgive as The Lord Forgave You

by LAURIE M. LOVE Biblical conflict resolution Connecting with nationals Reflecting God
Forgive as The Lord Forgave You
“Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.”
Colossians 3:12-14

God provides us with a new way of living… and a new way of loving.

During my fourth year on the field, I discipled some local young women as they learned to live out their faith. After a few weeks of walking with one of the women through a hard break-up, I realized I had been harsh. I had urged the broken-hearted woman to forgive. While the principles I was teaching about forgiveness were true, she was not ready to hear them. She first needed someone to see her in her grief, to grieve with her, and to comfort her. She balked at what I was teaching, I pushed back, and she fled. 

Realizing my mistake, I apologized and asked her for forgiveness. Knowing her beginner-level understanding of forgiveness–and that she now had two big things to forgive–made me wonder how much she was willing to engage. 

I prayed for weeks that God would heal her heart, that God would give me opportunities to show kindness and compassion to her, and that God would help her forgive. 

Weeks later, I was surprised with a gift. As I showered at a friend’s house to prepare for an international flight, I noticed the very low water pressure and cold water. “Wow, these guys are hardcore global workers to put up with showering like this day in and day out!” I had failed to realize the water had been cut. Sure enough, as soon as my hair was full of suds, there was not a trickle of water left. I was soapy, and I was stuck. My husband and daughter weren’t with me and my friends weren’t home. My friends’ two-year-old son and the woman I had been discipling were the only two people around. I was at her mercy.

“Florence. I think I need help.”  

Florence gladly came to my aid. I wrapped myself in towels and let this dear woman pour drinking water on my head to rinse out the soap, pitcher by pitcher. 

I was at her mercy. She loved lavishly. As the water and my tears rinsed out my hair, so her loving actions rinsed off my pent-up sorrow and shame. In this moment, Florence blessed me, loved me, and sent me on my way. 

Closing Prayer
Lord, remind us how you have loved us and forgiven us. Let that realization seep down to the depths of our beings. Let us bask in your lavish love and complete forgiveness and let us be transformed by that. Lord, empower us to love lavishly and forgive completely and bear with one another the eternal beings you have placed around us.
Book: If by Amy Carmichael This small book by Amy Carmichael, a global worker in India, provided me with probing questions and challenging ideas to examine how the love of God was reflected in my actions and thoughts.
Question for Reflection

So much of overseas life is scarred by broken relationships. As you recognize God’s complete forgiveness of you and God’s perfect love for you, how does that empower you to live out these verses among the people around you?

Laurie M.
August 23, 2024

Recently, God has been making me more aware of his lavish love for me and his total forgiveness of me. Through this, he has been encouraging me to humble myself before people around me rather than be quick to be offended–to bear with them in our differences, to forgive how he has forgiven, and to love as he loves–because of his great love.