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Every Step of the Way

by ANGELA SHCHERBAN BALANCE Balancing ministry, family, & life Culture shock
Every Step of the Way
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“If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.”
Galatians 5:25

We were just about ready to make the purchase. The two papers lay in front of us; one a legal document with a large amount written plain and clear while the other a “legal” document with a much smaller amount, also typed up and stamped to seem professional. 

“All you need to do is slip some pocket money into the folder when you give her the document, and she’ll give you the second paper with the amount you have to pay that’s ten-times-smaller,” we were told. “Everybody does it.” 

The numbers on the papers were ridiculously different. The black digits boldly stared up at us from the white pages as if attempting to challenge our thinking. 

As if we left our convictions outside the door that closed behind us.  

As if the things we teach somehow differ from the choices we make in everyday life.  

My husband took the legal document with the amount that was ten times higher and pushed aside the other. The woman tried to hide her surprise as she cleared her throat and went on with the process. 

The businessman shuffled uncomfortably in his seat next to us. Eyes were wide, whispers were heard and questions raced in the minds of all who saw what had happened.  

And I thought to myself, “Shouldn’t this be the case? Shouldn’t our actions and life cause others to raise their eyebrows in bewilderment? Shouldn’t our lawful choices stand out in a culture saturated with greed, corruption and dishonesty? And instead of seeking how to balance life and ministry, shouldn’t our life be our ministry?” 

God used that situation to open doors of conversation to share the gospel with two men. And who knows what else went on in the hearts of the people who stared in confusion, their eyes burning with questions?  

It was clear again, that day, that our choices and actions and words–it’s all ministry. When we make the decision to step out in faith and follow our loving Father, whether He takes us to third-world countries or simply down the street where we grew up, life in faith means walking in the Spirit, every step of the way. 

Closing Prayer
Father, only by Your power and strength am I able to make choices to live by the Spirit daily. I know that my days are busy, but I always want my days to be my ministry; so that whatever I do, I do it for You. Help me to live life with this truth before me. Amen.
Video: How do I balance life and ministry? with Dr. Kevin DeYoung This 3-minute video explanation of life and ministry by Dr. Kevin DeYoung is simple, yet insightful.
Question for Reflection

Would life be different if you always had the mindset that “life is ministry?”

Angela Shcherban
October 01, 2024

It seems that if I constantly lived with the mindset that my life is my ministry, I would be more Kingdom-focused. The choices I make regarding everyday things will be more Christ-centered. That’s probably what it means to seek first the kingdom of God.