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Balancing Act

Balancing Act
“Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.”
Psalms 25:5

One of the greatest privileges of being a global worker—and a Christian—is teaching God’s Word to those who want to understand and apply it to their lives. What an honor to share the Lord’s message with others! But along with this noble task comes the sobering responsibility to teach the Bible correctly, that is, not to distort God’s truth in any way. How can we avoid making mistakes? 

One of my professors at Bible college said something that has stuck with me for all these years and—I believe—can reduce the chance of teaching what is false: “Truth out of balance becomes error.” 

Before I go on, let me admit that none of us is correct one hundred percent—or even ninety percent—of the time. We all have dogmas that God would probably shake his head at, so I’m not implying that we must have perfect doctrine because there’s no such thing (how can there be when there are no perfect people?). Nonetheless, we should continually seek—and teach—the truth as much as possible. 

And this is where balance comes in. The quickest way to stray off the path of truth is to look at verses that present one side of a matter while ignoring those verses that appear to give a different view. For example, if we only focus on God’s love, we can get the impression that the Lord will accept and forgive everyone. On the other hand, if we only concentrate on God’s wrath, he becomes a strict judge that we should fear and obey with trembling. Both views are truth out of balance. 

The psalmist understood the human struggle to comprehend the truth, so in Psalm 25:5, he prayed for the Lord to guide and teach him what was true. Without the Holy Spirit’s help, knowing the truth is impossible. But his assistance will be limited if we deliberately ignore inconvenient passages that don’t fit our preconceived ideas. 

As we search for truth, let’s look at the entire picture the Bible paints, and the Holy Spirit will lead us to all truth. 

Closing Prayer
Lord, thank You for Your Word and for Your desire to help me know the truth. Please show me those areas where my beliefs are out of balance. Help me to recalibrate them back to match Your revelation. And when I don’t understand your whole picture, please help me trust You. Amen.
Video: Get a Little Balance by Joyce Meyer This short inspiring video teaches us the importance of maintaining balance in our lives and what happens when we don’t.
Question for Reflection

How do you react when you have difficulty recognizing exactly where the right balance should be?

Carol Schlorff
October 08, 2024

There are some topics—for example, human free will versus divine sovereignty—where I’ve had difficulty determining exactly “where the needle should fall.” In other words, it’s hard to know how to reconcile all the Biblical teachings on the matter, and we all inevitably land closer to one side or the other. But in such situations, I’ve found that it’s essential to be humble about my position. I can go ahead and share my view, but with the caveat that it’s my opinion, and I could be mistaken. There is nothing wrong with saying that I don’t know for sure.