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Blog Post

Volunteers Prepare

June 27, 2022 2022 COLORADO RETREAT
Volunteers Prepare

Volunteer preparation is a crucial component of every Thrive retreat. We spend nearly three days in training so that we are well equipped to serve the attendees who arrive tomorrow. 

Volunteers start each day in extended times in prayer and worship, focusing on God’s names, His character, and His attributes. We want to remind ourselves that this is His work, not Thrive’s or even ours. We want to listen to the Holy Spirit and effectively minister to the global workers. Everything we do is bathed in prayer.

Volunteers discuss our different processing styles, whether we are internal or external processors, and how this might impact our small group setting. Thrive is intentional about team building. We pray together in different groups and are assigned to eat each meal with different women, so we can get to know each other better.

One first-time volunteer said she appreciated how well Thrive trains and cares for us. She felt much more comfortable in an environment where she knew she was cared for so well first before she was released to care for others. Unlike many other retreats or short-term assignments, we are well prepared.

Thrive really understands cross-cultural workers and their needs, which is evident in the training. Many of the women coming here have been in or are in difficult situations. As you are aware, the last 2-3 years have been challenging in the US, and even more so overseas. We are privileged to hold their stories and to cry and pray with them. We learn to invite the Holy Spirit into our space to do His work, not ours. 

Tomorrow is the big day - our attendees arrive!

View photos from the latest Thrive retreats, click here.