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Blog Post

The Retreat is Over – What Now?

May 14, 2024 CRUISE 2024
The Retreat is Over – What Now?

As volunteers came together for a debriefing, there was an opportunity to acknowledge each person's gifts and how the Holy Spirit used those gifts in serving the volunteers. There was time to verbalize what had been learned about global women, the places they serve, and the challenges they face.

Each volunteer will carry with them indelible memories of the conversations and stories they encountered during the retreat. The challenges these global women face are diverse, from the mundane task of finding a decent haircut to the heart-wrenching reality of witnessing extreme violence on a regular basis.

Volunteers will go away with specific prayer requests. Like a small stone or raindrop in a pond of water can cause a ripple in the water, we pray this retreat will produce rippling effects in the women's personal lives, their families, the people they serve, and ultimately, the kingdom of God.

As volunteers reenter their respective spheres of influence, they hold the crucial task of communicating the needs of women serving overseas. They aim to help people in the local church understand how they can support these global women through prayer, small acts of care, and most importantly, by offering friendship and support despite their physical absence in the local faith community. If you have the privilege of knowing a Thrive volunteer, we encourage you to ask her to share her experience.

View photos from the latest Thrive retreats, click here.