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Blog Post

Relaxed and Refreshed

May 11, 2024 CRUISE 2024
Relaxed and Refreshed

Thrive’s mission is to replenish women serving overseas. Did you know that one in fourteen global workers leaves the field each year? Two-thirds of those are for potentially preventable reasons.

Research indicates that the top five needs of global workers include being spiritually mentored, feeling connected, being known, understood and prayed for, having a close friend, and having some time away from ministry and life responsibilities.

Attendees on this retreat feel that Thrive is meeting those needs. Several have commented that this is their first time in a group of like-minded women. Even though they serve in different countries, they still have shared experiences. They can laugh and cry together, sharing experiences often misunderstood by the average woman in the pew.

Some have commented on the depth of the teaching and how God is stirring in their souls to persevere in this great adventure to which He has called them. Many have loved the times of worship through song, especially because it is in English! Many new friendships have been birthed, and others deepened through shared time together having fun.

Today we were in port at Nassau. In a first for a Thrive retreat, attendees had a free day. There was so much to do! Some shopped, some saw marine wildlife in a glass-bottomed boat, some snorkeled, and others visited the beach to swim in the beautiful blue waters. No matter what they chose to do, they are relaxed and refreshed. For many this is their first cruise, so the awareness of the Father's lavish gift has served to remind them how much He loves and cherishes them.

View photos from the latest Thrive retreats, click here.