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Blog Post

Praise the Lord!

May 11, 2024 CRUISE 2024
Praise the Lord!

All 42 attendees, the 24 volunteers, and the Thrive staff ended the retreat by singing the doxology. What a fitting end, praising God for all He has done.

Praise the Lord for the profound refreshment, deep connections, and significant personal transformations that have taken place during this retreat!

Several women arrived exhausted and worn out. "M" left her country of service several years ago due to Covid. While she has continued her ministry through Zoom, the stress of uncertainty, the higher cost of living in the US, and the recent death of her car have left her depleted and "done." Several days where she could sit by the pool, relax in the hot tub, read, and sleep helped restore her. The lack of internet access plus the self-care options of a facial, massage, and counseling were icing on the cake.

"K," a wife and mother of young teens, said the retreat has been good for her in every way. It has been great to be away, hear the teaching from the Word, have assistance and refreshment through the self-care options, and be with people who "get" her. Going on a trip where she did not have to prepare to speak or teach has been especially good.

The highlight for one volunteer was how loved and welcomed she felt by the volunteers when she arrived. Another attendee appreciated being prayed for by the volunteers who cut her hair. These small acts of kindness were life-giving to her.

During the morning time of sharing, "M" said, "I live in a desert. I live in a place where people are murdered. This has been so sweet to be in a place and with people who are cool and refreshing."

Today was also a day of goodbyes. Early Monday morning, the ship will dock in Miami, and the attendees will disembark, scattering in many directions. Many leave the retreat with more than just memories; they have forged lasting friendships. WhatsApp groups have been formed to stay in contact with their small groups. Some even hope to have a reunion meeting later.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

View photos from the latest Thrive retreats, click here.